The Woodward Post

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September Letter From the Editor

Hi everyone, 

I hope everyone had an amazing summer and is off to a great start of their school year. 

Welcome to the first issue of this year’s Woodward Post! 

On the first day of school, I was shocked by the quantity of new students this year. Springs culture seems considerably different from that of schools where most new students come from, so a part of me was worried Springs culture would become diluted with an overwhelming influx of students who did not yet understand Springs. For a while, it almost seemed like a new school altogether. I am grateful, however, that my fleeting thought was wrong. Through events like club expo, lake day, and town hall, I can see Spring’s culture has improved, not weakened, with every new person. I still feel as if a considerable entire section of the school is unfamiliar with me and vice versa. Maybe that is my own fault, but I’ve heard others lament the same thing. Unfamiliarity is something I would love to avoid this year. When I was in 8th grade, unfamiliarity between grades caused tensions throughout the school. Seniors, who seemed like near giants to me, accused my grade of forming exclusionary cliques. There was some truth to that, but hearing the seniors complain about us made me wary of talking with upperclassmen. The pandemic then forced everyone away from campus, making it increasingly difficult to meet new people. This year, we finally have the opportunity to get to know everyone normally.  Let me assure you your experience here will only be heightened with more connections, so I encourage all of us to connect with other grades through clubs, sports, etc. 

Speaking of which… now seems like the perfect time to again shamelessly plug joining the Woodward Post. I hope to maintain the Post’s status as a platform where anyone can publish pieces of any genre. This year, I am also looking to create categorized sections similar to that of a newspaper. For example, I would love a consistent Springs-specific sports section as well as a consistent arts-specific section. In the past, the Post has also featured faculty and alumni interviews, which provided great insight into Springs’ history. If you are interested in dedicating yourself to one of these sections or another of your choice, please contact me. Of course, everyone can (and should) still publish whatever they want regardless of whether or not it fits into a category. 

This issue is not so much a September issue as it is a summer issue. All writers dedicated part of their summer break to composing the included pieces. They cover a wide range of subjects, so I hope you will find something that interests you. 

Have a great September, 


Sidenote: Consider the picture a window into my life as it depicts where I am sitting writing this letter.