The Woodward Post

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Passing the Torch: A Final Letter from the Editor

To our readers, with love.

When I first joined the Woodward Post in 10th-grade, my fear of writing was insurmountable. For the first six months, I would text Abigail Shepherd’19 every now and then, cautiously announcing my plans to write an article that month. In just a matter of days, however, I would easily chicken out. For 10th-grade me, putting the finishing touches on my article wasn’t a matter of accepting edits, but rather a conscious and difficult decision to be seen and heard by my peers. 

This was undoubtedly a consequence of my upbringing. I grew up inquisitive in Singapore. In other words, I grew up frustrated. Singapore’s extreme censorship is a well-known, finely-honed, and an unceasing tool of repression to public discourse. 

For me, the ideas and values The Woodward Post represented were wholly foreign. A student publication where I–and many others–could write about anything I dreamed of, was, for lack of a better term, insane! These past years, I have never failed to be beyond impressed and inspired by everyone who has made the active choice to write for The Post. 

The concept of and values upholding The Woodward Post presents an ever-present opportunity for bravery and authenticity, and it is my sincere hope that this will always remain an open platform for everyone. With that in mind, I know that there is no better person to uphold this than Elijah Baay’22.

I’m incredibly elated to announce that Elijah has accepted the position of Editor-in-Chief next year. Elijah embodies the best of Springs: not only are they talented in more ways than I can count, but they are also a person of character–someone who believes in something bigger than themself. 

This is a particularly difficult letter to write at a particularly difficult time of the year. I can’t seem to be able to string together the perfect sequence of words for a truly profound farewell to The Post. I cannot begin to put into words how grateful I am for everyone who has helped make The Post possible: writers, editors, teachers, parents, photographers, the helpful advice of Virginia Gray’20, and of course–last but not least–the invaluable assistance of the Web Editor, Nyssa Youhn’21. I cannot begin to express my endless confidence in Elijah, whose talents and expertise I know will take The Post to the next level. 

At the end of this incredibly long letter, there is really nothing to say other than thank you. The Woodward Post has truly been a formative part of my life at Springs.

