A Letter from the Editor

Happy New Year!

It’s 2021, which means two important things. First, that we’ve made it through an insanely difficult year. Second, that I (and the rest of my class) have a whopping five (5, FIVE) months left in high school, which freaks me out if I think about it too much. 

I can’t say I’ve enjoyed 2020 by any real means, but I will say that I’ve learned a lot. Strangely enough, I think I’ve grown to become thankful for the college process. I won’t miss it, but I think being forced to truly think about the values and people I hold close has forced a kind of introspection on me that I wouldn’t have possessed otherwise, and for that I’m grateful.  

Finally, I don’t know what the general etiquette rules are for mixing things outside of the Post in these letters, but I wanted to add that I’m incredibly honored to have been elected as next semester’s mayor. I’m genuinely looking forward to this semester, and can’t wait to see what it will bring. 

January of a new year = unlimited possibilities! What will 2021 mean to you? 

