Letter from the Editor

Hey everyone!

Glad to be back. I hope everyone has adjusted to the new rhythm of school after a summer of late mornings; I know it has definitely taken me a hot minute. 

Being back on campus, seeing all the new faces, going to class with my unnecessarily heavy backpack, and complaining as a pastime with my friends has been something I was desperate to escape in June, but come August I was desperate to return. 

Being back on campus has brought many of the traditional Springs things I've missed after so many weeks of summer. Wet shoes when it rains- which it has been doing a lot, and I still refuse to wear my rain boots; Choir which is almost back to it’s pre-pandemic size and has been desperately missed by many; Scav Hunt which has filled the air with a sort of underlying excitement, building and building and will continue to build until the final day when the hard work has paid off and those point-earning teams win prizes and recognition; Lake day could not have gone better- despite the rain- with snow cones, volleyball, lake water, and good music which are cornerstones of this school tradition; Our forever consistently confident squirrels. 

And this year has already brought so many new surprises with it, for one I’m a senior- and being completely honest here, I had my doubts about making it. New teachers who will create their own traditions. Flies who might not migrate to the new dining hall when it’s finished, but have quickly and diligently taken on the role of bothersome. 

For these reasons, and many more, I am thankful to be back on campus and with an amazing community I love so dearly. 

Have a great October!

Your loving Editor-in-Chief,


Elijah Baay

Elijah Baay '22