October Letter from the Editor

The second issue of the post is here! 

This letter is slightly all over the place mainly because my brain is all over the place but bear with me. 

We seem to have entered the period during Alabama’s fall where it actually feels like fall. If prior years are of any reliable indication, we should be back to consistently sweltering days soon. This time also feels like a state of limbo. We are getting our first major grades of the year and figuring out what it takes to thrive in whatever grade we are in. If you get a bad grade now, it feels like you’re doomed for the whole year. Let me remind myself and you that there are still 8 months left to figure out your classes- don’t stress about it too much. 

On a different note, though the November election still feels so far away, the October issue of the WWP is the last issue before the voter registration deadline (October 24). As such, I feel it's necessary to remind everyone eligible to vote- someone 18 or who will be 18 by November 8 (voting day)- to register ASAP! The deadline to register is the same date regardless of whether you are registering by mail or in person, so please plan accordingly. I know most students here are not able to vote yet though, so for those people, please pressure your 18+ friends to vote incessantly. 

Finally, I’m sure a lot of you have heard about the current events in Iran surrounding mandatory hijabs and the wrongful murder of Mahsa Amini. Protests against Amini’s death at the hands of the Iranian government, all for wearing her hijab ‘incorrectly’, are currently underway around the world. I sadly did not have enough time to write a full article about the topic this month, but since the events can/will have global implications for women’s rights, I am one of many articles about Amini. Please take a look. 

Thank you for making it through my letter. Now, without further ado, please go enjoy the articles of the October issue. 


Article: https://time.com/6216513/mahsa-amini-iran-protests-police/ 

Jeremy Kalfus