The Woodward Post

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Passing the Torch

You’d think that by now I’d be used to the crazy changes that keep happening this year. However, writing this final letter from the editor has proven to be especially difficult, so after too much thought on the same two sentences, I’ve decided that instead of writing this letter properly I’ll just explain why writing this is so hard. If you haven’t figured out how incredibly sappy I am by now, this is your last chance (at least until I publish an exposé on Springs: the censored version in the Woodward Post and the real version years later when I’m suffering a mid-life crisis and want to reminisce on my peak in high school, but I digress).

Writing this letter is hard because it’s another reminder of how quickly my time at Springs has gone by and how close it is to ending.

It’s hard because despite everything that’s happened this year, I’m still struggling to make sense of all this change, much less address it properly in the Woodward Post.

It’s hard because writing is hard. Anyone who tells you differently is either lying or has superpowers. Don’t let that stop you from making your voice heard (this may sound inspiring but I’m shamelessly trying to convince you to write for the Post).

It’s hard because I now have to introduce you to the qualified, intelligent Virginia Gray, who is going to do such an amazing job as Editor in Chief next year that you’ll probably wonder why I didn’t give her the reins months ago.

This is hard because I don’t know how I could ever properly thank the amazing people who have helped make this publication possible: teachers, parents, students, readers, writers, editors, photographers, student government, Dunkin’ Donuts employees… the list goes on. This publication would have been a lot harder—impossible even—without their support and hard work, and of course the foundation Ada Cohen left to guide me through this year as Editor.

I think the main reason this is hard is because it’s difficult to express how amazing this community is with just a letter from the editor. Somehow Ada pulled this off last year, thanking Springs for being a place where “students are able to write about what they love, maybe make a mistake or two along the way, but never cease to pursue their passions.” Despite all of this year’s change, this environment continues to persist, and I am confident that no matter who leads or what changes, Springs will continue to strive to foster a supportive, forgiving, nurturing, and open environment.

All the best,

Abigail Shepherd ‘19

Photo Courtesy of Matti Rose ‘19