Who's Who

When hearing about Biden and Sanders, you may ask yourself “who are these people?” The short answer would be that they are the two main remaining candidates for the Democratic presidential nominee concerning the 2020 elections. The finalist will advance to the battle for presidency against President Donald Trump. 

As of March, Biden is leading in the polls. He has a total number of 664 delegates (subject to change). Sanders is a close second with 573 delegates. It currently looks as though Biden will go against the current president Donald Trump in the 2020 elections.

While both Democrats, the two’s opinions vary widely. Sanders’s opinions are more radical, pushing for things such as having “college for all”. This would mean the seniors in high school, planning on attending public colleges would be able to attend tuition-free. This would lift a tremendous burden off the shoulders of new college students and their families. Along with this, Sanders plans to erase all student loan debt. This is huge, especially for those struggling to pay off their debt, allowing them to go to the places they want and be the people they want to be. Another main part of his platform affecting new voters the most is the “green new deal”. This “green new deal” states that the US would run on completely renewable energy. This would provide jobs for many more people and would encourage people invested in fossil fuels to find a new source of income.

As for Biden,  he plans to abolish the death penalty, a much-heated topic today and one which many of the new voters have strong opinions on. One thing that would majorly affect those graduating Springs in the upcoming years his plan to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. He also wants to make two years of college free, which would significantly benefit many people who want to go to college but cannot afford the four-year track. Biden also plans to boost teachers’ pay. So, for those graduating who want to pursue a teaching career, the job benefits will significantly increase.

A major difference between the two is that Bernie favors Medicare for all while Biden is opposes it. Biden would, however, “ expand [the] coverage” (politico). Although this would raise the amount of money the government has to pay to hospitals, it would overall be a great benefit to those who cannot afford Medicare or hospital visits. 

Both of these candidates provide benefits to the new age of voters. Whoever you choose to vote for will benefit you in one way or another. Keep in mind while voting, that even if the candidate of your choice ist elected, certain aspects of their platform may be harder to implement. Take into account the facts behind their plans, and head out to the polls! Voting is an important responsibility, so if you can, vote for those of us who cannot!

Elijah Baay '22