The Woodward Post

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A Letter from the Editor

As the temperature drops from 94 °F to 45 °F in less than three weeks, Springs kids hunker down in our much-too-light jackets and not-at-all-waterproof shoes, snuggled in groups of up to five (yes, I’ve seen it) under an umbrella. After a grueling summer, the wind rushes in an air of relief, and we can finally sit outside without being in acute pain from the heat. Fall at Springs is a breath of fresh air, a revitalizing gulp of motivation. 

As we make the much-too-quick transition from scorching heat to bitter cold, I encourage everyone to take a moment outside. We often forget what an expansive campus we have, shedding our eighth-grade urge to frolic much too soon. Before winter creeps in, sit by the lake. Come down softly from your sugar crash by sitting in the smoking hole. Canoe with the swans. Find the softball field. Read the Woodward Post in the Dining Hall Tree. 

I sincerely hope the articles this month -- from sobering to hilarious -- provide the breath of fresh air you’ve been needing. Take a moment to catch your breath and, as always, enjoy this month’s issue of The Woodward Post. 


Virginia ‘20