NYT Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Re “Stop Blaming History for Your All-White, All-Male Movie,” by Aisha Harris (Op-Ed, nytimes.com, Feb. 6):

Though Ms. Harris intelligently analyzes the whitewashed version of history that has existed in the cinema for far too long, I take issue with her placing the burden of responsibility to fix this country’s representation problem on the individual artist.

We should not criticize movies like “Driving Miss Daisy,” “Green Book” and “Ford v Ferrari” for being made, even if they recreate the same narrow-minded historical narrative, but we should criticize the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for elevating such movies above groundbreaking and worthwhile cinema. As long as Academy members are considered to be the arbiters of good taste, some of the most compelling counternarratives will always be overlooked. Giving “Parasite” the best picture Oscar was a big step forward, but one must remember that progress has been slow and practically forced upon the Academy.

To blame directors and artists for this systemic issue is ineffective and misguided. Martin Scorsese is a cinematic genius, but we should not expect him to write and direct an intimate, nuanced and moving picture about being a young black woman in 21st-century America. When such movies get made, however, the cinematic powers that be need to be encouraging.

Joseph Katz, 16

Indian Springs School

Birmingham, Ala.

Indian Springs